Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Bible Training Days and Beyond

Yes your Majesty Honour and Glory to you forever and ever !! Amen

My Bible Training Days and Beyond
Madam Anastasia

In my search for the Lord, He led me to the Link Net International Church and Redeemer Bible Training Center which was under the Pastorship of Eng. JK Maragia. I joined that church and then went on to complete my Bible training at the Center. After that, I was asked to take the position of the Intercessory Prayer Coordinator for the church. I then became an elder and after that I was ordained as a minister.

Madam Anastasia
After a time, the Lord raised up The Link Net International and joined it together with the Redeemer Ministries. The two walked together as one, complimenting each another. The The Link Net function as Directors and Apostles of this outreach ministry of which I am still a part of.

If I knew at the beginning of my training that I would one day be in the ministry as I am today, I don’t know if I could have received that truth. Nevertheless, here I am as Prayer Minister for The Link Net/ Ministries. It is such an honor to be able to pray and teach on prayer. I am humbled before God that He would use me to be a part of teaching and raising  International for prayer warriors for the Army of God.