My Bible Training Days and Beyond
Madam Anastasia |
In my search for the Lord, He led me to the Link Net International Church and Redeemer Bible Training Center which was under the Pastorship of Eng. JK Maragia. I joined that church and then went on to complete my Bible training at the Center. After that, I was asked to take the position of the Intercessory Prayer Coordinator for the church. I then became an elder and after that I was ordained as a minister.
Madam Anastasia |
If I knew at the beginning of my training that I would one day be in the ministry as I am today, I don’t know if I could have received that truth. Nevertheless, here I am as Prayer Minister for The Link Net/ Ministries. It is such an honor to be able to pray and teach on prayer. I am humbled before God that He would use me to be a part of teaching and raising International for prayer warriors for the Army of God.